Today I had:

A chicken sandwich:400

Two cookies:65 calories
Fruit: 100 calories
Nut, fruit mix: 70

Chiken sandwitch:130

Veggies :45

I am not proud of my lunch...I will work on it tommorow and try to subside my amount of calories.
But today subtracting my food to my work-out calories
Today I lost about 1,000 calories nearly 1/3 a pound!

Today, was a good day! Very good day!
I did 2 hours in all.
Thirty Mintutes on the eliptical:1102
Thirty Mintutes doing weights:240 calories(Not alot really)
53 mintutes:P90X:Plometrics:550 calories
Total: 1892
I can burn more by just doing An hour on the eliptical, but the other stuff helps my body become firm and strong, and soon I hope to be sexy! :)
Breakfast: Around 9am
Mcdondals Chiken Biscuit sandwitch(Not proud it was about 400 calories)
Lunch: Around 12pm
Arby's roast beed sandwitch(200 calories)
Adidias chocolate,40 calories
Taco Bell, 3 tacos, 300 calories
Apple Juice,trail mix bar(300 calories)

Very, Very Bad day.
1240 caloires.
:) Workout tommorow!
   Hi, I am Savannah, and I am using this blog to type down my fitness, and food entrys. And soon my measurments and weight. So far I have lost 15 pounds, and I hoping I will end up at my goal weight of 115 pounds by the end of May.  If you go to our home Page, you will see tips, and vlogs on how to lose weight. Later, I will be putting up my first food entry. :) And tonight, hopefully Tay and I will be putting on Our Break Loss Tips.
Your Weight Loss Friend,

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